For some reason owners seem to worry more when they are sending a puppy to kennels. However I think at the right kennels it can be a very positive experience.
It is very important that puppies get to socialize with other dogs from an early age. It is now they can learn the correct body language and proper way to behave, and learn how to distinguish a dog that wants to play, from a dog that doesn't. At Woodland View Kennels we have had a number of puppies in for boarding, and they have a whale of a time! They love to meet new dogs and we can make sure they do so in a safe environment as we never let two dogs mix unless we are 100% sure that they are totally non-aggressive (something you cannot do when meeting dogs in the park). The social skills they learn as a puppy stay with them through life and mean they can enjoy the company of other dogs.
Staying in kennels can often be a confidence booster for puppies. It teaches them to not be nervous of strangers, as they have to learn to trust their new carers, and actually they soon realize we are quite playful and fun to be around!.
It can also be a gentle introduction to being left on there own for short periods, as in between each exercise period, the dogs are left to 'chill out' for an hour or so. The dogs quickly get used to this routine and a peek through the window and we can see that most are quietly napping or having a gnaw on a chew.
Finally, I believe that if you plan to take regular holidays, then boarding your dog from an early age is the best thing you can do for them. The boarding kennels will become a place that they recognise and enjoy coming to, Which will put your mind at ease and mean you can stop worrying about your much loved dog, and enjoy your holiday!